Children & Families


Data analytics and insight are instrumental in enhancing the delivery and efficacy of children’s services within councils. These tools can provide more proactive, targeted, and evidence-based support to vulnerable children and their families.

Here’s how data analytics can be harnessed for children’s services:

Early Identification and Intervention

Analytics that model a range of data sources can identify children who might be at risk of harm or neglect. By catching these signs early, councils can intervene and provide support to families before situations escalate.

Detailed analysis can help identify inefficiencies or areas where cost savings can be realised without compromising the quality or scope of services.

By analysing service demand, usage patterns, and outcomes, councils can ensure that resources like social workers, therapists, and funding are channelled to the areas where they are most needed.

Automated analytics allow for real-time monitoring of children under the council’s care. This ensures timely responses to any issues and enables regular evaluation of intervention effectiveness.

Each child and family have unique needs. Data analytics can help councils understand these needs, ensuring that support is commissioned and tailored to each individual case.

Children’s services often intersect with other areas like healthcare, education, and housing. Data matching across these sectors can provide a holistic view of a child’s situation and needs, resulting in better-coordinated support.

By analysing broader datasets, councils can identify trends, such as rising mental health issues or patterns in child neglect or abuse. This information can guide strategy and policy adjustments.

By tracking outcomes against interventions, councils can determine which strategies are most effective, enabling evidence-based decision-making.


Service Redesign

Detailed analysis can provide insight into services such as Home to School Transport, ensuring that finite resources are targeted towards those who need them most.

By analysing broader datasets, councils can identify trends in educational outcomes, such as emerging dependencies on free school meals, or increases in SEN support, and adjust their strategies accordingly.

Measuring registrations for government funded initiatives such as Early Years provision in a more timely way can ensure families benefit from the support available.

Analysis of patterns and trends in school attendance and exclusions can help to identify risk factors that may be under-pinned by wider social issues for both children and their families.

Quality analytics provide insight into outcomes for children with Education, Health and Care Plans, moving away from reporting on simple numbers to a greater understanding of impact and effectiveness.

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