Adults & Public Health


Analytics and insight play an important role in supporting councils with adult social care. As populations age and the demand for social care services rises, it becomes increasingly crucial for councils to utilise data-driven decision-making to optimise the delivery of services.

Cost Optimisation

Through detailed analysis of service delivery and associated costs, councils can identify inefficiencies and areas for potential savings without compromising on outcomes for service users.

Analysis of the social care pathway can support councils to identify which individuals are most likely to require long-term services in the future. Early identification allows for proactive interventions, which can prevent more intensive (and expensive) care needs later on

By analysing data on service usage, councils can better allocate resources—such as visiting timetables, equipment, and funding—to areas with the highest demand.

Continuous data collection and analysis allow councils to monitor the effectiveness of different care strategies and interventions, making adjustments as needed.

By integrating data from social care with health care data, councils can have a holistic view of an individual’s needs, ensuring better-coordinated care and avoiding duplication of services.

By analysing broader datasets, councils can identify trends in adult social care, such as emerging health issues or demographic shifts, and adjust their strategies accordingly.

Analytics can assist councils in understanding staffing needs, predicting future shortages, and planning recruitment and training endeavours.

Data analysis techniques can help identify where service user contributions are not being collected and service users are in debt for their social care.


Public health and well-being services aim to ensure that residents lead healthy lives, both physically and mentally, and have the necessary support and resources to do so. By leveraging data analytics and insights, councils can provide more effective, personalised, and timely interventions. Here’s how:

Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

Local area profiles can help councils understand the specific health challenges faced by their communities, from chronic diseases to mental health concerns, allowing for tailored service provision.

Data enables councils to gauge the efficacy of their interventions, allowing for adjustments and ensuring optimal outcomes.

Analytics can identify broader societal factors affecting health, such as housing quality, employment, education, or access to recreational spaces, and guide holistic strategies.

Analytics can help pinpoint demographics that might be at higher risk for certain health issues, allowing for targeted outreach and intervention.

By analysing data from wearable devices or health apps, councils can gain insights into residents’ health behaviours and offer personalised advice or interventions.

Data on health behaviours and service uptake can guide effective awareness campaigns, ensuring residents are informed about available resources.

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